shop online for clothing

Posted by Shiv Prasad at 2:05 AM

Shopping online can be a scary experience for first time buyers. Even veterans can sometimes be scammed. Shopping for cheap trendy clothing can be even worse, because of the difficulties in purchasing clothing without being able to try it on. Another issue with purchasing something such as cheap rhinestone clothing is the fear of it being damaged. However, following some simple rules can alleviate the fear for many and make sure the online shopping experience is a hassle free transaction.

1. Stay within your budget – It should go without saying but remember to buy only what you can pay for. But it's easy to lose your head—and scuttle your budget—in a bidding war. If you plan to bid on an item, first write the maximum you can afford on a Post-it, stick it to your computer monitor, and then don't exceed it, period. Finally, don't forget to pay attention to the shipping costs. They will probably be a major outlay for expensive items and are sometimes padded when a seller is trying to make up for a low sale price.

2. Search for the stories policies - Major businesses should have a written return policy. Sites like eBay, leave the return policy
up to each vendor. If you don't see one listed, e-mail the seller or website directly before buying.

3. Pay smart - On the Internet, plastic is king. Any seller who asks you to send a personal check, a money order, or a wire transfer should put your "uh-oh" radar on high alert, because these cash equivalents make it difficult to get your money back in case of a dispute. Paying with a credit card means you can enlist the card issuer's help in securing a refund on domestic purchases.

4. Stay on the site - Unscrupulous sellers have been known to lure bidders off auction sites to do business via personal e-mail. Although auction and flea-market sites don't have comprehensive consumer protections, the safeguards they do have are much better than what you'll find if you get scammed outside of a trusted Web site.